A story like this: Love with things, got married only two days after first meetings couple

A story like this: Love with things, got married only two days after first meeting It is said that a person falls blind and mad in love, here too the story was somewhat the same. Sneha immediately said yes. But the thing to think is, the two never met each other, but promised to spend their whole life. Sneha said that even after spending ten years with someone she could not feel the connection that she felt with joy. Then came the wedding. Both had decided to do a court marriage. Harsh came to Mumbai from Australia. Couples make the Lord only; It was once said. But today times have changed where love happens on social media and promises are made to take seven births. If you are surprised to hear this, then we are going to tell you a real love story that started on Facebook and turned into a wedding. Sneha shared her story on the Humans of Bombay page on Facebook. We are taking that story to you in ...