Stories of Box of matches

Box of matches was a school holiday. All the schools were headed towards the gate. Abed looked a bit upset. Rohan asked when she panicked, "There are exams from next week, I am scared." On hearing this, Rohan laughed, "Looks like you've fallen prey to exammophobia." You were similarly scared in the monthly test. Your marks had come very well. How is fear then? " Akhil said teasingly, "It is like that. Whenever we are a little late for school, it gets so nervous. It cannot happen. " One after the other friends started teasing Abed, Rehana changed the talk and said, "Enough is enough." All of you are making fun of it instead of supporting it. Good friends don't do that. " On the second day, there was a lunch break in school, then the children started having fun. Abhed was sitting alone in a corner silently. Rohan asked, then Abed said, "I don't feel like eating after listening...