real Life Stories Ghost ๐ป
Dad was saying to leave tomorrow morning. But where was Khamesar. He was repeatedly explaining to his parents that it had been 10 days since he had come to the village, that the college is dying. It was a week off and I stayed in the village for 10 days. No, Dad, don't stop now, let it go. If I leave this evening, I will reach the hostel of the college overnight. I will join the college from tomorrow. And at the same time he was also explaining to his parents what is to be feared! I am going a little alone, Sameer is also with me. We are two people, we will reach easily.
Yes! Khamesar was pursuing BTech from a private engineering college located in a small, still thriving, developing town, about 40-45 km from the village and along with his village Samasar. Actually, Samesar's uncle used to work as a JE in the Jal Nigam in this town. He was the one who wrote the names of Khamsar and Samesar here. Actually, the patron of this college used to make a lot of Samesar's uncle. Khamsar and Samesar also found hostels easily, for which both of them had to pay very little.
Khamesar quickly told his mother to keep a little pickle and 4-6 ghee too. What was next, Khamesar hangs his pivot bag on the back, bowed to the parents and, bye-bye, quickly ran towards Samesar's house. Sameer was waiting for Khamsar. What was next, Samesar's elder brother got them both on a motorcycle and left them at the crossroads. Standing at the crossroads, they both waited for the ride to their hostel. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to ride in the backward areas and even more trouble if it is winter time. In the evening, the ridership reduces, and only a few private vehicles are seen running.
After waiting for about 2 hours, he found a six-seater but he also said that he is going outside that town. If you have to walk, then I will leave you there but I will not be able to leave you till the hostel. After thinking something, Samesar said that, man Khamesar, return home and will leave for hostel tomorrow morning. But where was Khamesar to listen. He said that man lived like that in the village. The college became very dormant. Have to go today. Let's go through this six-seater and take any ricksa from the town, and otherwise the hostels will go on foot. It takes only 40-45 minutes to walk from the town to the hostel. After this, Khamesar pulled Samesar and sat in that six-seater. Sameer could not speak anything and sat quietly.
After reaching the town, after getting down from the six-seater, Khamesar and Samesar drank tea in a kataraini shop and then started walking towards their hostel while not waiting for the rickshaw etc. It was about 9 o'clock in the night and the body was shivering due to cold. The good thing was that these two friends did not have a lot of luggage and whatever they had, they both kept them in their respective pitta bags and hung them on the back. Khamesar was trying to control the cold by whistling and Ramsar was fast moving on the path by pushing both his hands into the pants pocket. There is not much time at 9 o'clock in the night and then by 10 o'clock, both these hostels were about to reach, so there was nothing to worry, it is not so! Actually it was a developing area now, so it was very deserted. No one could be seen from far and wide and even the night's noise was making that night more frightening. The rough way to reach the hostel was not as useless, it was fine, but there were dense gardens on one or two big trees. Well, both friends were whistling, singing and singing were fast growing up. Yes, a flickering light would have made their way easy.
After walking for about 20-25 minutes, Khamsar suddenly stopped. Seeing Khamesar stopping, Samesar said, why did Abe stop? Walking, walking quickly, feeling cold and a little afraid too. Khamesar slowly approached him and pointed the way ahead. Actually, there was a person looking at him at some distance, but in that dark cold night there was not a clear vision. At first, Khamesar felt that there should be no thief on the other side, otherwise he will rob whatever we have. Then he began to regret that he would have come tomorrow morning. But what to do if we do now. That person also did not seem to be moving there and it seemed that he was standing there waiting for someone. Well! Khamsar mustered up courage and grabbed Samesar's arm and asked him to proceed. What was then, the two friends started moving forward. Those people, as they were walking on that path, the person in front started to appear a little clearer. As soon as they reached the person, they were shocked because she was a beautiful girl, who was just smiling at seeing these two.
These people, crossing the girl, wanted to move forward, then she said, "Stop! Are you going towards the hostel? I have to go there too. " Both friends could not speak anything but stopped. As soon as they stopped, the girl ran to them and started walking forward. Yes, about two steps ahead of these two friends. Suddenly, Samesar screamed and Rameser also got shocked, in fact, the girl was turning her head completely backwards while walking and at the same time her feet also turned completely backwards. . Hey what is this, how can this girl have two mouths, how can she have two heads? One forward and one back. Not only that, with the smile of that girl, light would come out of her mouth, in which both these friends and the whole way were bathed. Now both of them were not thinking what to do, where to go? Should he run backwards, but he chased after doing so? It has two faces, can also see forward and backward. What to do? Oh right now these people were thinking all these things, then she said while laughing, now you people cannot escape. As soon as she said this, she became completely nervous. Anybody should be stunned by his long teeth and long sarcastic scream. That two-headed witch was very different and terrible. She looked absolutely terrible even more than the ghost of a horror film.
Khamesar started shouting Jai Hanuman - Jai Hanuman and Samesar then stood behind Khamesar, holding him and crying bitterly. Suddenly these two friends could understand something, then the witch stretched out her hand, snatched the bags of both of them and turned them around so fast that it was not known where the two bags disappeared in that dark night. Then that witch started flying in the air. The whole atmosphere became very scary due to his humor. From the fire springs from his mouth, it seemed that these two would be burned up. Now both of them were completely speechless, unconscious and sat there. He was not feeling anything. They both caught each other and closed their eyes and started shouting Hanumanji.
Suddenly another voice was heard telling them not to be afraid. When both of them opened their eyes, we see that another beautiful girl is standing, who is pointing to them to calm down with the help of hand gestures. By now, both of them could understand something, and the witch of the first said there, saying, "Today you have saved these two." But how long will you keep saving people. I will deal with you very soon, I will erase your reputation. " Just before that witch said something else, that other girl murmured something and a sharp blow towards the witch. Hey, what is this, save, that witch disappeared completely while making the sound of save. Now both these friends got some relief. The girl again said, do not be afraid, I am a devotee of Mother Kali. I live here in a nearby town. Come and leave you your hostel. After this, the two friends moved quickly towards the hostel and after some distance, the girl also followed them.
Upon reaching the hostel, the girl said that you guys go now, I am going back to my house. The two friends reached his hostel gate in gratitude. At the hostel gate, two watchmen were sitting in the fire. Seeing these two, a watchman opened the gate and asked where are you guys coming from on such a night? Then both of these friends drank water from the bottle given by the watchman and told the whole incident about the fire. As soon as he heard the whole thing, a watchman said, "It is good that the doll has come, otherwise you would not understand what would happen to you." Good luck to you guys that the doll has arrived. She is very good, very good. " Then he told that Gudiya was a girl from his village, who was a great devotee of mother Kali. She was also very fast in reading. But legislation. She was learning to ride a motorcycle and on the same path her motorcycle collided with a tractor. He was immediately rushed to the hospital but the doctors could not save him. But even today she is still alive and helps people. On the strength of her goodness, she subdues evil spirits. He also saved you today. He once saved me from drowning in water. I was going to die. Some evil spirits were trying to submerge me once in the rainy water, but the doll arrived at the right time and saved my life. After that the watchman told about that two-headed, two-headed witch. In fact, she died on the same road in an accident and her head was split in two. Since then, she is sometimes seen walking on this path at night and even makes some people very upset.